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Modernity was born when the relationship between human beings gave way to the relationship between human beings and things. But today, in the age of postmodernism, this relationship splits into two. On the one hand, the human subject, on the threshold of the Anthropocene, enters into a relationship with himself as a modifier of the environment, and makes this shift in optics an epochal question: subject with subject. On the other hand, the impending advent of fifth generation networks (5G) is preparing to control the fastest and most direct communication between things, without human intermediation: object with object. Only the reconstruction of the processes that have led to the split between the constituent terms of modernity allows us to propose a hypothesis of how the world will operate in the future and its (problematic) explanatory models.

Free admission, upon reservation


November 16 @ 18:00
18:00 — 19:00 (1h)

MAST Auditorium
