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CNR – Department of Earth System Sciences and Technologies for the Environment

While the pervasive impact of human activities on the mainland and in coastal areas is there for all to see, or at least for those who do not want to keep their eyes closed, what our development is doing to marine areas is much less clear and evident. Fabio Trincardi presents and discusses three aspects related to anthropic impact in marine areas: the effects that alterations in the water cycle have on coastal areas; the marine circulation of the oceans and its transformations due to global warming; the new forms of pollution of water and the ocean floor. While on the continents the green economy is taking root (with the intention of becoming sustainable and circular), at sea we are just starting to talk about the blue economy, but here the exploitation of resources often continues as before, from deep sea mining to the exploitation of fishing and transport. Our society is already making important (sometimes fatal) decisions about the ocean and its seabed, but it does so in conditions of little or no knowledge of the context. This is a fundamental difference from what is happening on the continents, where groups of people, stakeholders and institutions can dialogue to raise issues and find local solutions. Who are the stakeholders of the sea?

Free admission, upon reservation


December 17 @ 18:30
18:30 — 19:30 (1h)

MAST Auditorium
